Portfolio (EN)

Contacts and history @LinkedIn
Since 2009 I have been working on a freelance basis as a Social Media Analyst for London companies. Currently I work full-time at VML London.
2008-2012 I have been doing PhD at Department of Information Science: My thesis was on Sharing of cultural production in network communication. I have also taught subjects: Introduction to New Media, Copyright Law, Organization of information in electronic environment.
During my Master studies of Librarianship and Information Studies I have worked as a librarian/bibliographer for Theatre Library in Bratislava.

I listen to music and Last.fm remembers it for me. I have written and talked about music in various media. Not so much anymore, but this blog is a mean to stop my excuses. 
I have written both for online and print magazines: Zion, Mgzn (and my articles have appeared in Sme, Zurnal, 3/4).
I have broadcasted for online radio Tlis.

I occasionally DJ.

Gwerkova (Nuspirit), Fair Play Hack Day (Designfactory), Tlis lounge (Cafe merian) predvalentínsky dizajn trh (a4).
9.2. sound addiction science (radosť), 12.2. dizajn trh (a4) 29.4. trafo tlis (mlynská dolina), 10.12. polymorf trh (bateliér).
16.11. Roly Porter (a4), 30.11. 3++ (a4).
24.1. Krémeš (subclub), 28.2. Afterparty after screening of Nový život (a4), 18.3. Jamie Stewart (a4), 17.4. Vernisáž Deana Kolenčíková - Is this it? (Photoport), 22.12. Mor ho! eats 100% food: chocolate disco bash (a4).
14.8. Bwo x Exitab (Pjonis)
27.11. Next 2014 (a4)

I mostly take portraits, details, documentation of everyday life/projects and events.
I put my photos on Flickr.
I have a project where I have deleted people from photos: Tumblr (photos from this project were published in anonym #4)
Some of my photos were published in Slovak print media - Žurnál, Pravda.
I have got a namesake who is focused on nature photography.

I prefer Twitter for sharing links and stuff. I use Facebook mostly just for communication and as a reality check.
Bookmarks at Delicious
RSS at Netvibes <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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